An Update from Ummara Khan (‘18)
“It's been a while since we talked! I'm approaching the end of my senior year and wanted to let you know my plans for college. I will be attending Stanford University in the fall! I am the recipient of both the Jack Kent Cooke scholarship and the Gates Scholarship, so the entirety of my undergraduate career will be funded. I am beyond excited to see what the next years will bring.
I also wanted to take this time to thank you. The Wandering Scholar fellowship was a crucial part of my high school career. It was one of the coolest and most rewarding programs I participated in. What I learned while preparing for the trip and while in Italy has made me genuinely consider Anthropology as a minor. I also think that having the opportunity to travel gave me the confidence I needed to apply and commit to a school across the country. So, thank you for creating and running the Wandering Scholar. Thank you for guiding me and for believing in me!”